CAT Rubbish Removal is a professional cleaning team specializing in rental property & deceased estate clean ups. Our service is focused on cleaning rental properties & deceased estates before they are inspected by a rental agent or landlord.
Our specialists are experienced & qualified and have been in the cleaning industry for over many years. Our rubbish removalists love what they do and prefer to always deliver quality cleaning service to their customers.
We work closely with the family members or Executor responsible for the deceased estate by offering guidance and support in dealing with the clearance of the property, including :
- Advice on the removal and cleaning process of the deceased estate
- Liaising with families, solicitors and real estate agents
- Special consideration of sentimental items and confidential items
- Dealing directly with charities and managing donations on behalf of the Executor
- Transportation of items to Auction House of choice for resale
Our Rental Property & Deceased Estate Clean Ups services include:
- Window cleaning, internally, externally
- Window tracks and screens
- Walls and doors spot cleaned or washed
- Hard floors mopped, carpets vacuumed
- Skirting boards dusted or wet wiped
- Cornices dusted
- Power points and switches cleaned
- Stair balustrading cleaned
- Wardrobe shelves, drawers & mirrors cleaned
- Light fittings
- Ceiling fans dusted
- Cobwebs removed internally
- Venetian blinds dusted or washed if they can easily be taken down.